Monday, October 11, 2010

Agendas and Mottos.

Carlisle and I have been working tirelessly on an agenda list and a new company motto today. [Editor's note: Technically, I was working hard on both of those things while Mulligan played Tetris on his iphone and pitched absolutely useless mottos at me that he became enamored with. Thus, number four below. Consequently, number two is also lacking in originality]. I thought I would share my top five with you below. Carlisle disagrees with me on nearly all of them, but that's alright. It's not like he's paid to think freely, right? [Actually....ah, nevermind. It's not worth the four hours of Minion Training Seminars...] Anywhoop, here they are in favourite to least favourite order:

1: Mulligan Manufacturing: We make evil look good.
2: Mulligan Manufacturing: Everything is Proceeding as We Have Foreseen
3: Mulligan Manufacturing: The Malevolent Wareaxe to Humanity's Inherent Bardliness.
4: Mulligan Manufacturing: We Wipe the Floor with that Infernal Game, Tetris.
5: Mulligan Manufacturing: Ruling the World, One Sock at a Time
6: Mulligan Manufacturing: We Desire to Rule Over You Because We Care

On a side note, our agenda list is coming along smoothly, and we should have at least a beta version for you by the end of the week. But who am I's not like I actually care what you think. Haha. Ha. . . . .
But still, that is something to look forward to.

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