I'm excited. Carlisle is excited [I'm not], my mother is excited, my pet goldfish Sun Tzu is excited. You should be excited too!
Today, I am set to reveal, unveil, relinquish the air of mystery from, announce, etc., etc., blah blah syngeristic lingo blah blah blah...
Oh, hey! It's a Twinkie I didn't finish yesterday.... I wonder if it's still good [Does it matter?]....perhaps if I just... Yup! Still good.
Oh. Anyway. That's not what I'm revealing. What I'm revealing is so massively awe-inspiringly, hamburger-dropping awesome that not even Leonard Nemoy singing could ruin how great this is [...actually I'm pretty sure it would at least come close...]. I am revealing . . .
. . .wait for it . . .
. . .wait some more . . .
*You may scream and jump up and down excitedly with my pet Jack Russell terriers now*
[It's really not that big of a deal... his terriers jump up and down excitedly at anything. Even the thought of jumping up and down excitedly sets them off to it.]
1. Take over the world. Is any explanation needed?
2. Sell more socks than Hanes. Or, alternately, buy Hanes, which would likely necessitate selling more socks than they do, so I think this can really just be chalked up to one point.
3. Start a second manufacturing plant in Australia. This is pretty much a rule of thumb among villains at this point. Once you rule the world, Australia is one of two things: A bargaining chip / consolation prize to give to the people that helped you take over the world, or a backup base of operations to fall back to if it turns out the worst possible scenario is true (that there are actually superheroes whose existence has been covered up by the government).
4.Trick anyone standing in my way to start a land war in Asia and then sit back and watch the carnage flow. This really has nothing to do with the first three, but I think it would be a useful way to dispatch my enemies, as well as a good chance to watch exciting, live coverage on my 63in. HD Plasma while sipping a glass of iced tea. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
5. Learn my grandmother's original strawberry milkshake recipe. Okay, so this may not seem as important (or corporate) as my other points, but I consider this just as important as points 2-4. I even have half of my R and D team working on reverse engineering this on Saturdays.... curse those overtime laws... But it's worth it.
6. Get a Cat, and name it Hades. All the best villains have cats with awesome, powerful names. I may or may not call him Mr. Hadey-wadey when no one is around however....
7.Find a way to either train or mind control various terrifying animals (particularly clowns and monkeys), and use them as an overwhelming force of evil to complement my Penguin shock-troops.
Now that you have a better idea about what Mulligan is about, I would like to inform you that if you have any questions or comments, you know how to reach us, and if not, well, that's too bad because it's obvious. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to run or I'll be late for my weekly corporate Zumba class. Bradley works us pretty hard and I don't want to get there late or I'll have to go solo for five minutes, and I don't feel like my moves are bamf enough yet. Till next time, Mwahaha!
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